Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week 3 EOC: Making Money For Good

It is great when big corporations give back to the community. So much can be done when parties with big pockets “share the wealth”, literally. Best Buy is one of these corporations. Best Buy’s Children’s Foundation provides teens with the proper tools for success. They are, “on a mission to provide teens with places and occasions where they can develop technology skills that will inspire future education and career choices.” ( BBY) This is something that teens need in such a tech savvy society, and it will only advance in the future. Best Buy definitely makes money for good. What is also so beneficial about this is that kids who cannot afford the technology that we are so reliant upon can now have access to it through the Best Buy Children’s Foundation.  This company also, “provides funding to strategic national nonprofit partners that help us further our goal of providing teens opportunities to develop technology skills that will inspire future education and career choices.” (BBY) They give to many non-profit foundations to further the betterment of our youth. For example, at the Boys and Girls clubs of America, they support, “Club Tech, a national program from the Boys & Girls Clubs of America that makes technology, software and training accessible in Clubs.” (BBY) The Best Buy children’s foundation is all about furthering the opportunities teenagers can take advantage of that can help decide future career and life choices. Also, with Best buy being, “the world’s largest multi-channel consumer electronics retailer with stores in the United States..”, they can do just what they set out to do helping our youth very successfully. They provide the youth with a variety of learning experiences through their technology and the best information. With this information our youth can have options and a better chance to have a successful future.

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